
Some TMNT stuff was always meant for grownups.

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[On a city street, firefighters hose down a destroyed car. From a rooftop, the Turtles look down on the scene.]

Leonardo "What kind of psychopath would do this--!? Blow up a car like that. Just for the heck of it!"

[A lone figure stands atop another building, while below, a pair of police investigators try to make sense of what's happened.]

Investigator "Your basic homemade model Lieutenant-- Lead pipe, alarm clock, boom! It was stuck to the gas tank."

Lieutenant "Classic. Anyone hurt?"

Investigator "Nah. Lots of busted windows-- But we were lucky."

Turtle "Hey, check it out!"

[The turtles spot the man on the other building.]

Turtle "Someone creeping around over there. Maybe it's the mad bomber!"

Turtle "Ha, ha, right! Or one of the five million crash gazers in the city!"


Leonardo "Ut Oh-- Heads up!"

[A helicopter flies overhead, its searchlight scanning the area below.]



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Leonardo "Cop chopper!"

Turtle "Vanish, dudes!"

[The Turtles dart out of the ring of light. The man on the other roof runs off as well. The Turtles keep running from rooftop to rooftop until the helicopter is behind them.]

Turtle "I think we lost 'em!"

Leonardo "Yet another close call-- They got a first class look that time, too!"

Michelangelo "Don't worry, I bet they're still trying to figure out what they saw!"

Turtle "Hey, our myster man's gone too!"

Turtle "Leo-- Any chance that guy could be related to..."

Leonardo "Hard to say-- it wouldn't hurt to take a look around though... Whoever did it could still be about. Take four blocks each. Scout around, and I'll see you all here in thirty minutes."

Turtle "Get away with a stunt like this once--"

Turtle "--They always want more."

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[Meanwhile, the mystery man is down on the street and looking around. He spots a car sitting in an alley and grins. The Turtles search the area.]

Turtle "Nothing-- East side silent."

Turtle "It's like a graveyard out here-- Westside clean."

Raphael "Zip. Four blocks north and dry as a bone. It's been almost half an hour, I'd better head back."

Michelangelo "Southend quiet as a mouse. Guess I'll loop back-- Holy!"


[There is an explosion from the alley and the mystery man runs down the sidewalk.]

Leonardo "A blast!"

Turtle "Southend!"

Turtle "Mike!"

Michelangelo "I've found him!"

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Michelangelo "There-- running. It's him I know it!"

[He watches the man race around a street corner.]

Michelangelo "Probably heading for a better vantage point to see his handiwork!"

[Michelangelo leaps off a rooftop onto a street light. He swings around the light and lands on the street.]

Michelangelo "See you in the balcony seats, pally!"

[Michelangelo starts chasing after the mystery bomber. The other Turtles spot him from a rooftop.]

Turtle "Mike!"

Turtle "Double time guys-- Mike's found our crazy man!"

[Michelangelo has trailed to bomber to a subway entry.]

Michelangelo "Well, well-- Decided not to stick around for this one, huh? Let's see what you're up to..."

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[A pair of vagrants, sitting on the ground in the subway tunnel, watch the bomber run past.]

Cap Vagrant "Cripes! Boys in a hurry!"

[The bomber jumps over the turnstiles. Michelangelo races past the vagrants as he chases the bomber, leaping over the turnstiles as well.]

Cap Vagrant "I can see why!"

Hat Vagrant "Yep!"


Michelangelo "Where are you... the tunnel? You hidin' or..."

[The other three turtles run past the vagrants.]

Leonardo "Howdy!"

Hat Vagrant "Yaaaa! More of 'em!"

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[Michelangelo looks around the subway platform.]

Michelangelo "...Planning...Thinking what you could get away with, in there. So dark... Nothing to guide you but..."

[The bomber is hiding.]

Michelangelo "...Tracks!"

[The bomber takes another device from his jacket. Michelangelo turns to see the other turtles arriving.]

Raphael "Mike!"

Michelangelo "Shhhh! He's here-- Down there."

[The bomber stands looking at the tracks.]

Michelangelo "He was just playing with those cars-- Testing his wares. Now, it's different-- He wants a train!"

[The bomber squats next to the tracks and attaches his bomb. He looks up suddenly to see Michelangelo leaping at him.]

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[Michelangelo jumps on the bomber and his brother spots the bomb.]

Raphael "Oh God. Here it is!"

Michelangelo "GRRAHH!"

Raphael "Whew! It's safe-- He hadn't set the timer yet."

[A very angry Michelangelo looms over the bomber.]

Michelangelo "You were actually going to blow up a train-- A train full of people?!!"

[Michelangelo grips the man by his shirt front.]

Michelangelo "You're in the worst kind of trouble, pal-- My kind!"

[A closeup of the man shows the panic on his face - eyes wide, mouth open in a silent scream.]

Turtle "Mike... No."

[Cut to a newsstand. A man walks up to purchase a paper.]

Customer "Post."

Newsstand "Two bits."

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[The customer reads the front page of the paper.]

Customer "Groan...!"

Vagrants Capture Mad Bomber. Post Exclusive. Say "Aided by Aliens" Story by Eastman-Brown-Lavigne

Customer "Ah, could I get the "Times" instead?"

That's All
