
Max Frezatto is a Savate ninja strongman and bodyguard who appears in Big Trouble in Little Italy. He was entrusted with the delivery of five million dollars in diamonds to the Foot Clan. However, he was secretly planning to steal the diamonds with Frank Corbin.

His plans were complicated when Eric Conner accidentally crashed the Savate limousine, and the briefcase containing the diamonds was sent flying into Kid Kennedy's shopping cart. His first priority was to contact Fabrice to inform him of the diamonds' loss, so he accompanied Louis Royo to the Skara Brae in order to use the phone.

However, he soon learned that the diamonds had been taken by Brooklyn S. Bridge, and ordered Corbin to meet him there so that they could reclaim the briefcase. The two encountered Royo and his compatriot Richard Miller, who were also trying to steal the diamonds, as well as the Purple Dragons and the Savate ninja.

Frezatto was arrested along with Fabrice and Royo.
