

Some TMNT stuff really isn't for little kids.

The Battle for Splinter's Brain is the second issue of April O'Neil: The May East Saga spin-off for Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Adventures. It was published in May 1993 by Archie Comics.

Appearing in The Battle for Splinter's Brain[]

Major Characters[]




Sitting alone in her office, April reflects on what she learned about her heritage while visiting the uncharted island. Unable to focus on her work, April comes to the conclusion that she has more questions than answers. A sudden vision of May East leaves her with the resolve to get to the bottom of things.

Meanwhile, in their sewer lair, the Turtles practice their skills on several battle drones. Suddenly a mysterious ninja in white slips past them and puts a knife to Splinter’s throat. The ninja turns out to be April, testing the skills the Turtles and Splinter have taught her. Splinter, however, sees that April has too quickly surpassed the skills she has been taught and believes some of May East’s influence may still be within her. Splinter has been researching May East, but his meager collection of archaic literature has been of little use. Leonardo suggests they pay a visit to the Bookwurm. Before they can do anything, the lair is invaded by May East.

She has tracked April down to the sewer lair in her quest to steal all Earthly knowledge to aid in conquering the world. Handily defeating the Turtles in battle, May East decides to torment April some more by shrinking down and possessing Splinter; intent on sucking his brain dry. The Turtles subdue Splinter and tie him up while April recovers a small crystal that May East dropped while shrinking.

Carrying Splinter on a stretcher, the Turtles lead April through several subterranean passageways to the lair of the Bookwurm, located beneath the New York Public Library. Inside, they’re greeted by Splinter’s old friend, a hooded worm-man who immediately recognizes the taint permeating from April. Bookwurm has no magic abilities, though he has studied the subject thoroughly. He says that only a wizard can beat a wizard, so everyone looks to April. Picking up the crystal, April calls on her mystic heritage and shrinks herself and the Turtles down to microscopic size, sealing them in a magic bubble.

Bookwurm then places the bubble in Splinter’s ear so that they may travel into his brain and battle May East before she can absorb Splinter’s mind.

See also[]
