
Hi everyone!

I'm so sorry! I completely forgot about my blog yesterday, I knew I was suppose to write it but I worked on something else, thinking it wouldn't take me as long as it did. Anyway, the thing I worked on was some fan art!!! So, with no further adu, here it is...

Donnie picture

My second fan art

Again sorry if it's blurry or dark, I tried to fix it up a little with my photo editor, I don't know if that made it better or worst. So, tell me what you think! Good, bad, great, horrible? I like to hear what you guys think, so just comment below..uh..please. Can't forget to be polite ;)

So, have anyone seen Metalhead rewired yet? I watched it yesterday, and it was a good one! Now in case you didn't see it, I won't say anything about it, but let's just say that I really like metalhead and I almost cried....enough said? Yeah, I don't want to spoil anything. But, I really liked that episode, and for you who have seen it, watcha thing?

Again sorry about my blog being one day too late, I'll be on time next week, and possibly with more fan art, I'm not sure how the week is gonna go. Anyway, sorry again again, and until next blog...

Turtle power!
