
Some TMNT stuff was always meant for grownups.

Yumi is a character appearing in Tales of Leonardo: Blind Sight in the Mirage TMNT universe. Leonardo experiences a vision of another life where he is a samurai in feudal Japan, having been born to the turtle demon Kappa and raised by Kubira the rat of the Japanese zodiac. In this vision, the turtle has a human wife, and together they have a human daughter named Yumi.


Leonardo's Daimyƍ steals the turtle's twin katana from his family's home, frames the turtle for their theft, and exiles him, threatening the death of his wife and Yumi if he were to return. The daimyƍ then sends out a masked Yumi to assassinate her father. Yumi and her father fight, but then she changes her mind and disobeys her orders, unmasking herself in front of her father. Realizing that he has been set up, Leonardo instructs Yumi to sneak back into their village and spirit her mother to safety. When the turtle confronts the daimyƍ and finds the "stolen" swords in his possession, the daimyƍ admits to hoping his former vassal would kill his daughter, discover her identity, and then kill himself in shame.

